Thursday 25 February 2016


 School of Human Resource Development(SHRD) students yesterday downed their tools of learning and were seen moving from ICDC complex straight to the Dean of students office and back with their chants of ‘pesa yetu’ renting the air, as they sought an address on the controversial Field Course allowances. This happened at around 9am.
The SHRD has for long been known to be the most organized school when it comes to articulation of issues affecting them and taking to streets hasn’t been their business. However they broke the believed jinks yesterday when they took the road way.
Following the unfolding events and one on one interaction with the communicators, the 3rd Eye learnt that the main cause of the demonstration was the much addressed issue of their academic trip allowances that the school wasn’t giving an due consideration. The students claimed they had been talking to their administrator as well as the dean of students without positive feedback forthcoming. It was also established that they have been following the matter since last year.
Their visitation to the Dean of students bore some good fruit as their demand to refund the field course money was heeded. “Only refund could work since the increment in the allowances is not going to be that soon,” said Awino, the Assistant dean of students. With that giving them a little tempo, they were forced to move back to their ICDC Complex-based school where in the afternoon they were addressed by their head of department Dr Charles Ochieng’ Ong’ndo and their dean Dr Ruth Tubey respectively.
The discussion was open and each of the student was given time to air out his/her opinion on the matter.
With the conversation taking long without signs of an amicable solution due to divergent opinions, the two; head of department and the dean reached a consensus to form a committee which was deemed to represent the group to further look into the matter and come up with a suitable solution. At around 3.40pm, the committee was formed after which they met with their head of department.
At that point, the committee presented three issues which were, the trip allowance to be raised from 500 to 1500, or be given the money to budget on their own and they wanted ksh 16,000 per head which constitutes half the amount of money they pay for academic trip for the whole four years of study or the school to carter for their accommodation and pay them 500 when they go for the field trip which is to come later this semester. Of the 3 issues, refund wouldn’t work and so the HOD promised to work on the remaining two options and give feedback today through the committee.

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