Tuesday 23 February 2016


A renowned journalist was physically assaulted yesterday by the security and accommodation director for an expos’e he aired on the misdeeds of the directors.
The assault was propagated at the Moi university’s Talai Shopping Centre (stage) by Sanchez and a group of 'sycophants’' loyal to him. The matter was so swift that before comrades would rescue the journalist the goons vanished into thin air as the journalist was rushed to kesses hospital for medical attention.
Persecution of journalists has become rampant in Kenya and more so in Moi university as exuded by the security & accommodation director David Okoth aka Sanchez. This happened yesterday afternoon when he together with 'goons' assaulted a writer and reporter of the Moi University Press Club- The 3rd eye for writing an investigative article on the misappropriation of the Muso kitty dubbed "MUSO GHOST PROJECTS", which appalled many students.
The investigation brought to light a document which showed a list of projects 'done for comrades’ but never actually happened. As the fourth estate, media is mandated by the constitution to inform the citizens and more so the comrades in this context.
The journalist was rushed to hospital in Kesses hospital before heading to kesses police station to report the assault. Talking to the third eye the police in charge said they will prepare an arrest warrant and bring Sanchez to custody. “It is so sad that the person mandated with the student’s security is the one at the forefront of assaulting them. We demand he be impeached through a vote of no confidence for attacking a comrade.” Reacted one John Kuria a 3rd year student in the school of biological and physical sciences.
Efforts to reach the dean or DVC student affairs by the 3rd eye did not bear any fruits. However Sanchez reacted on social media terming the journalist as insultive. It should be duly noted that media’s key role is to expose system’s malpractices to the people.

security director-Sanchez