On 5th September, immediately u land in Eldoret town, touts will run scrambling for your luggage. Once they load on the bus' s carrier, they ll demand their due. ..100/,then u ll pay the conductor 100/= for that luggage
. Once in the bus, you will of course pay your fare to moi main campus. Once in moi, well calculated exploitation ll genesis. Hungry "seasoned"students, the vultures, the marabou Stoke will descend on you, grab your bag, write a fake receipt and give it to you. They tell u to go finish your registration has they take judge of your luggage under their tent. ...500/= ll be milked out of your pocket. Woe unto u if u ll be unlucky and ask the bodaboda rider where D houses is. They ll take u two trips round campus, confuse and eventually drop u at D houses and 300/=, ll disappear from u . Some guys ll come demanding that u must take a photo on a blue background, terming it a mandatory requirement by the university, of course that is an honest lie. There guys who ll put a desk and a table in a strategic place and tell u that u must pay 500/= ,compulsory so that you can subscribe automatically to school clubs and societies, that is another genuine lie. The worst con men and ladies ll come to your rooms in the evening, asking you to buy their cheap handouts that u ll be required to use during orientation, or they ll come with the "moi map" sugar coating it with all sorts of explanations that u must buy it, please ask them to leave your room immediately. Apart from the fee u paid, kindly don't waste your money anywhere else because #helb ll delay and u ll be dry in your pockets. .....
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