Monday 29 February 2016


Although sex may be more common than love at university, there’s still a peculiar form of romance in campus. In between sleeping together and becoming an official couple lies a gulf of misunderstanding, emotions and varying degrees of intimacy. Many students loiter in this no-man’s-land for much of their studies.
Campus is one of the societies with rare cases of true love. Some students believe that the so called love is part of the core objective of being in campus only to be proved wrong by the so called focused students who know that they can only tackle an agenda/objective at a time.
While some of the students who believe in campus love say that they like to choose between tall and short, black and white, others don’t even know how to describe what LOVE is, some say that to them love is a mystery and they just find themselves entangled in it.
Recent death cases in several universities with Egerton University holding the latest death in the LOVE TRIANGLE has left more than a question and anger in minds of many. A female student was brutally murdered by her partner for issues relating to love affairs. This comes a few months after another female student was attacked and killed by her ex-boyfriend in Moi University West Campus in the same LOVE TRIANGLE.
While such cases are becoming rampant in universities, the question is, why do you have to kill just in the name of LOVE? As a matter of fact, these are issues begging for immediate action from the authority and thus both local and national governments should impose measures to curb such incidents.
Killing doesn’t solve but make things worse than you ever thought. The power of speech between couples can serve better in disagreements. Never let LOVE be a mystery and find yourself entangled in it without your consent, that way you might be taking your first wrong turn in life and also try to know your partner more than you do know yourself.
The “friends with benefits” thing should not shake your legs and land you into unexpected relationships.Keep in mind that love is nothing but a critical emotion of strong attraction. I therefore advocate for official relationships if they must happen, otherwise don’t let your emotions overspeed your mind.

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