Wednesday 9 March 2016


I am left wondering if the only language that Moi University administration understands in regard to academic trips is demonstration.
The same behavior has been used by the government in dealing with teachers’ strikes and the varsity administration is embracing the ‘norm’ wholeheartedly.

Students pursuing different courses end up resolving to demonstration due to laxity of either the finance office or person in charge to get the cheque needed for that trip.
It is a shame that an institution of higher learning where dialogue is usually emphasized as a vital conflict resolution method only understands the opposite. Most students are left speculating if they must be ‘Sossions’ so that they can go for an educational excursion they have fully paid for.
Fourth years in the department of Linguistics and Foreign languages on Monday last week had to riot outside their Dean’s office awaiting for a cheque that had taken too long to be signed. This is after their trip was postponed for the second time and no official communication had been given on Monday; the same day they were to leave for their academic trip.
Barely a week ago, students from the school of Business did the same and they were promised a refund of their money, and on Friday last week, the admin bowed to their demands. History will prove me right that the previous group of LMC and Economic students did the same and they even locked up some varsity workers in the administration block.
It’s very ironical that one cannot do exams without fully paying their school fees in full yet the same effect is not applied in a field.
The varsity should tell us if we must follow KNUT and KUPPET way so that we can go for a trip on a course that were have registered and fully paid for.
The opinions expressed in this piece are the author’s but not the Club’s

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