Friday 8 April 2016



The Nineties didn’t only usher in a women rights consciousness, together, they slowly ushered in the possibility of sexpreneurs. For many, the death of love at Universities begun in the nineties.

The changes were first noticed when Universities admitted its first Private students. They brought in a cultural shift, it was a silent revolution that slowly swept the Universities. Because the parents of these children could now use money to buy degrees, they were determined to ensure that their children also surpassed those on government sponsorship when it came to better standards of living while at University.

As time went on, government was slowly cutting down on allowances, students on government sponsorship were left with no option but to use the land between their legs to get what they didn’t have. And so the competition begun, it was this competition between campusers that produced the sexpreneurs of today.

Unlike in the 2000s, in the nineties girls detoothed men but they saw themselves as future wives of those men. Polygamy was still normal in. The girls didn’t mind being groomed into second wives of the men who sponsored their campus lifestyle.

Yet the feminism gossip continued to preach otherwise. The girls were being told not to allow a man to make them a second wife. Yet, they were also told a man should foot all the bills. It seems, girls were being told to cherry pick from the best of the traditional settings and in the modern settings. So, they strived to become career women but left men to carry out all the funding yet at the same time rejected early marriages or the prospect of being second wives. FIDA even made it possible to fight off these desperate men who didn’t want to let go.

Thus, today, sexpreneurs are the order of the day at all Universities. In a free market where the forces of demand and supply are left to their own, there has been an exponential rise in mini-relationships, booty calls, one night stands and moneysex at campus.

Girls now feel like they should be getting something from a man during or after sex. Sex is no longer a process of a couple making love, it’s now an act where girls feel they are doing men a favour to get it. Since there is a reduction in the number of real beautiful women in shape, the few who exist are being hit on by a number of men, both fellow campusers and the working class. The working class is willing to splash money to get a quick night of fun from these campusers who know better sex styles and positions than their expired wives in homes. As a result, the dollar rate of sex at University has been rising as the value of a man has been going down slowly but surely like the shilling.

But why and how are campus girls leasing their precious land?

Well, the times have changed. Girls now want to live the lifestyle of billionaires while at campus. It is cut-throat competition. If the boyfriend of her roommate picks her in a car, she will expect that her boyfriend too upgrades from a bodaboda to a car as soon as possible otherwise he will be dumped for no clear reason other than for the weakness of his wallet. Girls now want to have their birthdays thrown in form of boat cruises with a specific theme. They also wish to have a RAV-4 or Spacio to park in their hostel space. They hate rebounding clothes. They expect to hold the latest gadget such as the iphone 6 once it gets released. Yet at the same time, they want to have a share of fame and attention.

Thus, girls are now desiring for money and fame. Any man who has those or at least one of those in plenty gets to share their coockie. From the many cars that park at hostels on Friday evenings, the game has just been taken to another level.

Campus dudes are now being left with no option but to target freshers and senior students who are yet to know about this culture of using sex to buy a lifestyle of your dreams. Some girls come from homes where a car has never parked in their compound but they’re already cruising big fuel guzzlers even before they graduate.

And it’s not a big deal to graduate. They can service these horny male lecturers with sex and get marks. They can supplement this with money and they will be on the graduation lists. When they graduate, these girls now dread going back home and having jobs that require them to get locked down from 8am to 5pm. They thus look for men who are willing to make their life simple, create them boutiques and stock them every month plus pay the rent to those boutiques.

On top of that, girls will want a man to rent them an apartment of over 15K in nearby big towns and fuel their cars. Yet, it is difficult to find one man who can be all those things. The only girls getting married are those who find men that can be all those things, other women, they have given up on marriage.

They get a number of men whom they assign specific roles. They even save their phone numbers with those roles. When you look through these girls phone books, you will find names such as Willy concerts, Kelvin Serena, Jimmy tour and travel, Dennoh free drinks and pork and Tombeast orgasm giver.

They will then supplement this money by engaging in corporate prostitution. It is not the kind where they line up on Speke road and haggle openly. In corporate prostitution, the deals are brokered on phone. You state your price for her coockie and she asks you to increase it or add a transport allowance to it. Then she will come to your place and give you the sex. For this reason, the pimps business has gone up. Pimps now earn a commission the same way middle men or house brokers earn theirs.

These girls have rates that keep fluctuating but it seems 5K is the new standard rate, that’s if she’s coming to your place to give you sex for a few minutes and she aint sleeping over and you are giving her transport to and fro. In exceptional incidences when these girls are too broke, they will reduce the price to 2K for their regular customers.

There are the five star girls who charge not less than 10K for a night. They have their clients on Whatsapp that they keep seducing with nude photos and once the client talks of sex, they state their price. They are willing to do live sex if a client doubles or triples the price. Live sex at the moment among these campusers goes for 25K, they have stocked up doses of PEP just in case they suspect you have a virus.

One thing they hate is when their periods strike. The shops between their legs are forced to shut down and these girls only do two things during this time, give head and do top-topping.

When one stands on Universitys' roads today, it will be quick to notice these young ladies cruising their cars and living the perfect lifestyle. They discovered oil fields between their legs and nothing will stop them from selling their oil until it dries up.

It is the rise and rise of sexpreneurs. Their whatsapp messages are always buzzing with notifications. You will find celebs in those phones, you will find lawyers, engineers, tax officials and even top politicians. These sexpreneurs now password protect every folder on their phones lest one steals their clients.

How does one connect to these sexpreneurs? Well, when your wallet is ready, you will automatically see them. You will know them when you see them. They are on Facebook and Instagram posting the hottest photos of themselves, moving from concert to concert. They never tag their sponsors in those photos and their profiles show they are single. Many never officially graduate from campus, they mention the same age from year to year even though the wrinkles and stretch marks are slowly beginning to betray them. They are commonest at public universities and are slowly rising in private universities. Many disguise themselves as models and ushers at various corporate events. But behind these models and ushers are girls willing to sell what they have to get what they don’t.

Yes, sexpreneurs are real, campus girls are running shops between their legs. There is no more free sex, you pay for it in one form or another. Even that girlfriend of yours who you claim gives you free sex, she will ask you for at least 5K every week disguised under things like hair or this and that. It is now impossible to get free sex in universities, however it is possible to get cheap but quality sex if a guy has some good game and fame.

For men now, you should be having at least two of these three things to enjoy an abundance of sex; fame, game and money.

Till next time, keep buying!!!!

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